Lord-Lieutenant's Award
for Promoting Voluntary Service
During his activities as Lord-Lieutenant for Nottinghamshire, Sir John Peace found he was regularly impressed by the wide variety of voluntary and charitable work undertaken by young people across the County, which usually receives none of the credit to which it should be entitled.
In 2016 he therefore introduced a local Award to give recognition to the excellent work undertaken by groups of young people in schools, colleges, uniformed and other organised youth groups in promoting good citizenship and service to others.
There are two types of Award criteria that can be applied to the Award:
Young People participating in community action – This award criteria applies to an entire group of young people undertaking activities together to make a difference within their local community (for example a Cadet Unit), rather than applying to individual young people. A copy of the Award criteria can be found by clicking here and a copy of the application form can be found by clicking here.
Adults Supporting Young People – This award criteria seeks to thank and celebrate those adults volunteering who may not be eligible for a national honour but are contributing above and beyond to support young people in Nottinghamshire. A copy of the Award criteria can be found by clicking here and a copy of the application form can be found by clicking here.
The application form and criteria only need basic information and can be found on the above links. Anyone from within the County can put a nominations forward at any time. On receipt of an application, a Deputy Lieutenant will arrange to visit the organisation to speak to your nominated group leader and to some of the young people who have taken part. The visit should take no more than an hour. Awards are valid for 3 years and are presented at an event in late spring/early summer each year.